Answering your FAQs: The Heart approach to talent.

We take a modern, marketing-led approach to talent.

We’re connectors and problem solvers who value people, relationships and exceptional communication.

Forget a job-board-only, ‘acquisition’- style approach. We’ve been working in talent long enough to know

  • You don’t acquire employees. You attract and engage people.

  • Recruitment is a marketing exercise. You need to sell your offer.

  • You’re always recruiting, even when you’re not hiring. That’s why employer brand is so important.

  • Understanding and proactively managing your employer brand has a profound impact on talent retention and engagement (not just attraction).

In the spirit of sharing, we’re here to answer your questions about how we work. Let’s get started!

How do you find great talent?

At Heart, we leverage a range of channels and strategies to find and engage talent for our clients. We start with our talent network, which we’ve been building and nurturing for more than 18 years.

For each role we hire, we create a talent attraction campaign. While job boards play a part in this, job advertising never works alone. Our campaigns include engaging copy, video content, social media posts and scripts for talent outreach. 

We recommend all campaigns include a clear salary guide. Research shows that 68% of employees would move to an employer with better salary transparency, even if it didn’t affect their own rate of pay!

A talent attraction campaign should be complemented by your employer brand content, from your careers page to your company LinkedIn presence. The more that talent know about your employee value proposition, the more reason they’ll have to apply.

What’s next? Once your campaign is live, we invest time in strategic sourcing. We identify potential talent and conduct targeted, carefully-scripted outreach, leveraging the campaign content we have on deck. Although it’s tempting to lean on technology here, we don’t automate this - it’s too risky and not ‘human’ enough for us!

Okay, but what does your recruitment process look like?

Every Heart campaign begins with a thorough role assessment and briefing meeting. We need much more than a job description to achieve the best result for you. 

When we understand the role, your organisation and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, we’ll put together a plan. We’ll start creating compelling and engaging content based on your brief; honest and authentic but also designed to attract the right talent to get in touch.

Once we’ve put in the work and hit publish on a multi-channel talent attraction campaign, we’ll field enquiries and engage with interested talent. We’re committed to responding to every applicant, every time.

As mentioned above, we’ll also invest time in strategic sourcing. Our targeted, thoughtful and humanised outreach often yields great results - one year we sourced 50% of successfully appointed talent through this approach.

Through our initial conversations, we’ll assess talent based on their motivations, salary expectations, location and working preferences; as well as your specific selection criteria. We always treat these interactions as a two-way street.

Soon, we’ll begin conducting in-depth interviews, using questions tailored to your role requirements, culture and the challenges and opportunities in the role. We’ll facilitate skills assessments based on your requirements and identify the best fit for you to consider.

Once we’ve recommended a shortlist, we’ll work with you to help you move through interviews and selection, all while maintaining strong engagement and facilitating strong lines of communication that keep everyone on the same page.

Can you find people we can’t?

In short, yes. By creating a compelling and engaging talent attraction campaign, investing time in strategic sourcing and going beyond job boards to engage and attract the right talent, we reach a much larger audience than a standard job advertisement. 

We consider and assess an average of 120-140 candidates for each role, so when you get to the interview stage, you can rest assured that we’ve left no stone unturned in finding (and engaging) a selection of talent. You can read more about our results below.

How is Heart different from other recruiters?

We’re proud to approach talent attraction a little differently. 

Our brand has always stood for recruitment done better. Our promise (to employers and talent) is that you can always expect better when you work with Heart.

There are quite a few things that make us different.

The first is that we’re the only business supporting
NFP and for-purpose organisations with flexible services across talent engagement and attraction and recruitment marketing.

We take a modern, marketing-led approach to talent. Our job is to generate meaningful interest in your organisation and attract and engage the right talent.

We communicate with you (and on behalf of your brand) with impact and clarity. 

For employers, our expect better promise means:

Better results: Heart recruitment content performs 89% better than the competition

Better results: 96% of placements are still in place after 12 months

Better quality: 85% shortlist:interview ratio - saving you time

Better value: In 2022, clients saved more than $500k with our flexible services

Do you have experience in my industry?

Yes! Of course, the answer to this question depends on the industry you work in and the role you’re hiring, but with more than 40 years’ combined experience in recruitment and people and culture, there’s a good chance we’ve been there!

Our team has diverse experience across recruitment, marketing, content writing and people and culture. In the past, we’ve worked with clients across:

  • not-for-profit

  • education

  • aged care

  • disability and community services

  • government

  • creative and digital agency

  • ecommerce 

  • retail

  • telecommunications

  • professional services

  • property 

  • construction

  • agriculture.

Beyond this, each project is a campaign to attract the right people to your opportunity. While we will always leverage our network, our approach is tailored for each role.

What do you need from me?

We offer a range of different services and packages, giving you the flexibility to be as involved (or not) as you want to be. The required input depends on your choice!

Heart Exclusive is our all-inclusive 5-star hiring solution, where we’ll take care of everything from brief to placement and beyond. For this, all we’ll need from you is:

  • 30 to 45 minutes for a briefing call

  • 30 minutes to review shortlisted candidates (our 85% ratio means we won’t waste your time with the wrong people)

  • 60 minutes to interview each shortlisted candidate (usually 3 to 4)

  • 10 to 15 minutes for a post-interview feedback conversation

  • a handful of emails to confirm any final details.

Of course you can be as involved as you want to be, but if you’re time-poor and need a hands-off solution, you can lean on us and spend only 6 to 7 hours over the course of a month and still be guaranteed a solution to your talent challenge.

Don’t forget that the Heart Exclusive solution comes with a 90 day recruitment guarantee (longer if you’d prefer).

What is the market like right now?

This the 64 million dollar question! 

The market changes often and varies across different sectors and geographies, but we will say this: A lot has changed since 2020.

The dynamic between employer and employee is not the same as it once was.

We’ve ditched the term ‘post-pandemic’ for this: We’re in the era of talent.

Whatever you do, wherever you are, talent attraction, engagement and retention are key challenges for leaders. In today’s world, you’re always recruiting, even when you’re not hiring.

Need to grow your team?

Attracting the right talent isn’t as simple as placing a job ad.

Experiencing turnover? You’re not alone. Around 20% is pretty standard at the moment.

You’ll need effective talent attraction and a focus on engaging your current team.

Considering a restructure and/or sitting tight through economic uncertainty?

How are your people feeling? Employee experience and engagement are critical.

Small organisation with big plans? 

You need to retain great people and attract the right talent to help you grow and meet your mission.

No immediate growth/hiring plans but focused on team performance?

Research shows us that only 15% of employees are engaged at work. It might be time to tackle that challenge.

What if we don’t have the budget for recruitment fees?

Even with a limited budget, you can get the talent support you need. 

We’re proud to provide better recruitment experiences and outcomes for all kinds of organisations, no matter how much you can afford. Heart offers a range of different service packages, so you can be sure we’ll have something to suit your budget.

We love working with NFP organisations and small businesses with heart, so we’ve intentionally designed our services to be flexible and as cost-effective as possible. Last year, our clients saved more than $500k in recruitment fees!

From as little as $900, you can get support for your talent attraction, with heart.

If you have a limited budget and want to invest more of your time in getting your recruitment right, our Heart Shortlist option will save you up to 70% compared to a standard recruitment fee.

Ready to get started?

We’d love to help you get ahead of the curve in the era of talent. Don’t wait, contact Heart Talent today.


Why your recruitment partner needs to think (and act) like a marketer. 


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