6 reasons why partnering with a recruiter is a great investment.

Every hiring moment is an opportunity to transform and upgrade your business. 

This is what you need to remember when you're deciding whether or not to partner with a professional recruiter. Hiring decisions are critical to your organisation’s growth, which means that they’re worth investing in. 

Here are just a few of the reasons why a recruitment partnership could be a great idea for your team. 

1. Achieve better reach

Engaging and attracting top talent is a recruiter’s bread and butter. We spend a significant amount of time and effort cultivating long-term relationships and building and nurturing our network. 

Our network is our starting point when we promote your opportunity. It includes both a talent database and our social media communities. Specialist recruitment businesses also have access to networks, membership organisations and specialist job boards that can reach specific audiences.

Reaching passive and hidden talent is an important reason to consider working with a recruiter.

“What Cynthia did well … was she really understood the brief. Her process was very thorough, very well documented, and the summation of candidates against the role was accurately defined. I felt she went above and beyond what I typically expect from a recruiter.” - Laura McMahon.

2. Save your time

When done well, recruitment is a time-intensive process. A robust, effective recruitment process involves a significant investment of time to identify, evaluate, screen and interview a large number of candidates.  

When you’re making an important hiring decision, you want to select from the best possible pool of top-quality talent. Do you want to hire the best of 10 people or select from a talent pool of more than 100?

Recruiters are experts who have more time to dedicate to recruitment and can be more efficient. This means you’ll waste less of your own time while benefiting from a larger talent pool and a more comprehensive hiring process.

“Cynthia has been fantastic to work with...she understands who we are and what we are looking for and sends a great candidate match. We couldn't have hired at the rate we have hired at this year without her.” - Hannah Jones

3. Leverage our expertise 

Recruitment is what we live and breathe. We are the experts.

Trying to squeeze an effective recruitment process in around your day job won’t leave you much time to think about making the best hiring decisions, let alone get your actual job done. 

Just because you can DIY doesn’t mean you should. Think about other professional consultants you work with. Do you do your own legal work, or do you engage an expert? Do you know where to find the talent you’re looking for?

More often than not, the best people are not actively seeking their next role, which means they’re not looking on job boards or LinkedIn. Unless your organisation has the expertise and resources internally to tap into passive talent pools (and approach them appropriately), you’ll need a recruitment partner to do this for you. That's where we come in! 

4. Get a guarantee 

Recruitment is a professional service. When you pay a recruitment business a fee for a placement, this fee comes with a replacement guarantee.

The replacement guarantee is your assurance that the person you hire fits the brief. It ensures that you end up with a team member who is engaged with your organisation and will stay for the long haul.

With a recruitment guarantee, you can be sure that you’ll get a great employee to join your team. If bad luck means things don;t work out the first time around, we’ll help you find someone even better. 

Of course, when you manage your recruitment yourself, there is never a guarantee of a successful placement.

“I have been most impressed with the values and fit of the great people Cynthia has helped us hire ... The best performers and the most resilient people have come from Heart.” - Michelle Stewart, PanKind

5. Improve your employer brand

Talent experience through the recruitment process is the cornerstone of your employer brand, not to mention the starting point for a great professional relationship.

Responding to every application, returning every phone call and providing detailed feedback after every interview is important for your employer brand. After all, candidates are customers too. This could even boost your long-term talent retention strategy!

Unless you have dedicated in-house resources to manage every aspect of the recruitment process, you can’t be sure that you’re looking after your employer brand. A skilled recruiter will carefully highlight your employer brand by ensuring a professional and consistent employee experience throughout the hiring process. 

6. Have a reality check

While you may have an idea in your head of what the perfect unicorn employee looks like, the reality is that this person may not exist, or they may not be within your budget.

A skilled, specialist recruiter can manage your expectations about what is realistic and what to expect in terms of skills, experience and background. We know the job market well and can advise on the latest trends and information.

When weighing up whether it’s worth working with a recruitment business, consider the specialist expertise, experience and efficiency on offer, and think about the capacity and capability of your own team too. 

Get recruitment help

If you are ready to take the next step and partner with a recruiter, contact the Heart Talent team today.


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