Employers, here are the 3 steps to claiming your competitive advantage to win the best talent
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
As an employer or talent specialist, you will likely face the same or similar hiring challenges as everyone else in the industry. Recent statistics show 1 in 4 professionals in Australia left their job in the 12 months leading up to February. In a tight market where talent holds all the power, it’s time to check the mindset of your organisation to stay competitive.
It’s time for a more modern mindset
The term ‘talent acquisition’ goes back to the age of ancient empires (China, Greece and Rome). We don’t need a history lesson to know that the nature of work and labour market dynamics have evolved significantly since 2000 BC, so why are we still using this terminology?
You’re not buying people. You’re trying to win them over by effectively engaging them with your organisation’s offer. You’re also trying to retain the best people by giving them reasons to stay. And you’re always hiring, even when you’re not recruiting, so you must attract new talent by showcasing an amazing employer brand.
Recruitment is marketing. Jobs are products. Talent are consumers. It’s time to let go of archaic ideas of the employer being in the driver's seat. Those days are long gone. Here are the 3 steps you need to take to gain a competitive advantage.
1. Discover
All good marketing starts with research. Whether you’re thinking about engagement, retention or attraction, understanding your audience is critical. Regardless of its popularity, a survey is not the best way to listen. Instead, you need to understand how your people feel. What is their experience of working with you? This is the core of your employer brand and shapes your reputation.
2. Define
Marketers need a customer value proposition (CVP). Employers and talent leaders need an employee value proposition (EVP). An EVP is not just a list of standard benefits and entitlements. It’s about the value you provide to your people. Your EVP must be authentic and evidence-based to be of any value to your employees. Consider what you can offer to add value to an employee’s life. It might be flexible working hours, hybrid or remote working or the opportunity to claim discounts for things that really matter to them, whether that is health insurance for themselves or their pets!
3. Create
If you have asked the questions and done the listening, your mindset has probably shifted. Now that you’re armed with an authentic brand narrative, it’s time to leverage it! Review and overhaul your talent content at every touchpoint. Build a library of valuable content that resonates with the people you want to engage and attract. Spread your message by using social channels your audience uses. Find and leverage your brand ambassadors to support your mission.
Wrapping up
Forget the war on talent. There is no war. There is competition. There is supply and demand. Collectively, our relationship with work has changed. What we expect from a job and an employer has changed.
For practical and actionable solutions that will help overcome your hiring challenges, contact the team at Heart Talent.