The impact of leadership in attracting incredible talent

Did you know that 70% of variance in team engagement is based on leadership?

Effective leadership can make or break your organisation, affecting every stage of the employee lifecycle and greatly influencing the success of your talent strategy. While poor leadership can trigger an uptick in employee turnover, good leaders encourage people to stay. 

So what is the impact of leadership on talent attraction? And how can you be a leader who attracts the right people to your organisation? Let’s find out. 

What makes a leader?

There’s no one-size-fits-all definition for good leadership. 

The best leaders aren’t those who display a specific set of skills or attributes. Rather, they are motivated and determined people who know what it takes to use their unique strengths in support of a cohesive and productive team. 

For future-focused organisations, good leaders aren’t bosses who deliver strict instructions and rule with an iron fist. They aren’t managers who control their people with regimented systems or demands.

Great leaders lead. They allow for personalisation at work. They play to their people’s strengths. And they act as an example for what it means to be a team player in the workplace.

Employees want the right kind of leadership

We are in the era of talent. Modern employees are taking the lead and calling the shots when it comes to choosing the teams they want to be a part of. 

Today, employees are looking for leaders who live by the values of your organisation and place your mission at the heart of everything you do. 

People need leaders who adopt a growth mindset and aren’t afraid to keep learning. 

People want leaders who respect their teams and listen to employee voices. Great leaders treat every team member as an individual, giving employees the chance to use their skills for the benefit of their organisation. 

Effective leadership is part of building a psychologically safe work environment where people feel confident, valued, included, and empowered as they share their ideas and contributions.

When leaders display the qualities employees are looking for, they can become true talent magnets, and that’s not to mention a range of engagement and retention benefits.

Leadership and employment decision-making

In a world where recruitment is marketing, your job is a product that you sell to talent. You have to give people a reason to buy into what you’re offering.

Good leadership can play a profound role in decision-making by giving potential employees an insight into what life is like as part of your organisation.

As a leader, you’re more just the captain of your team. You are also a brand ambassador. The way you behave and communicate is important. You represent your organisation and the work culture you provide.

Remember: leadership is integral to your employee experience. You are the architect of the experience your organisation provides. If you want great talent to choose you, you have to offer an unbeatable experience that they won’t find anywhere else. 

How leaders influence employer brand

Leadership is a big part of your employer brand and the way you articulate this to talent through an ongoing attraction strategy. 

In today’s world, reputation is an important component in the hiring process. 

Only 48% of employees believe that they have a high-quality leader. The remaining 52% are sharing insights with their colleagues and damaging talent attraction – or else they’re looking for new jobs where leadership is better.

Worldwide, 72% of leaders believe employer brand has a significant impact on hiring outcomes, so it’s essential that you put in the work to make your brand stand out.

When it comes to showcasing  mployer brand, visible leadership is a great place to start.

Wrapping up

Are you facing talent challenges and looking for ongoing support that will help you attract the right people? Contact Heart Talent, and find out more about our employee experience and employer brand services.


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