How an internal talent mobility strategy will help engage, retain and attract talent

People change jobs on average every 2.73 years, according to Career Sidekick. For 55% of those surveyed, the reason was to find a new, better job opportunity. Organisations that adopt an internal talent mobility strategy will not only engage and retain their workforce but will attract new people to the team.

Skills, not job titles

Internal talent mobility focuses on people’s skills, rather than job titles. Having a clear, robust policy in place sends the message that regardless of your job, there is an opportunity for change and growth within the organisation. It breaks down barriers between job titles, allowing the flexibility to expand skill sets and broaden experience.

Hiring internally is a great tactic when facing a labour or skills shortage. It can also help engage, retain and attract.

An internal talent mobility strategy will engage existing employees

LinkedIn data shows that employees who transfer jobs internally are 3.5 times more likely to be engaged with their employer. 

An internal talent mobility strategy provides the opportunity for flexibility within a job. It allows employees to feel less confined to their job title and gives them the chance to explore new roles. This may be appealing to existing employees who are looking for a change or challenge and could help increase job satisfaction. Internal hiring also helps to retain skills within your organisation through increased collaboration, encouraging employees to share knowledge and experience. It puts value on the employee while offering a supportive work culture that helps improve the employee experience.

An internal talent mobility strategy will retain your employees

Internal job opportunities may deter employees from looking elsewhere for a job, which could decrease turnover rates by increasing retention within the workforce. LinkedIn data reports that employees stay 41% longer at companies that have a lot of internal hiring compared to those that don’t. 

Internal talent may have skills that can be effectively used elsewhere in the business, providing a career change within the same workplace. This encourages employees to stay within the organisation and work towards long-term goals.

An internal talent mobility strategy will attract potential employees

Career development is a prerequisite for many job seekers. Employees look for opportunities to progress in their new workplace and a future pathway in the business. Employee development can make employees feel valued, with the employer investing in their professional growth. 

Maintain a positive work culture that provides a better employee experience

Another consideration for hiring internally is work culture. Existing employees know and understand the structure of your organisation. They align with the values and have established working relationships. Listening to the needs of employees and offering the opportunity to change roles internally helps build a better employee experience.

Wrapping up

The alternative solution to adopting internal talent mobility is to hire externally. Although this opens up a bigger talent pool, it can be time-consuming and costly. Incorporating an internal mobility strategy ensures that you optimise the full potential of your current workforce, by matching the skills and experience of your employees. 

Internal talent mobility can improve the employee experience by aligning employee needs with the needs of the organisation.

For more insights, visit the Heart Talent blog.


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