One simple way to attract the right talent using your job ads

One simple way to attract the right talent using your job ads

Finding the best people for your organisation is hard. You might feel like you’ve scoured every profile, exhausted all platforms and seen far too many CVs from people who are a million miles from the person you are looking for in your search for talent. This can leave you feeling deflated and wondering where the right talent is hiding.

According to LinkedIn, the solution might be as simple as listing more skills in your job ads. Recent data shows that including relevant skills could boost your conversion rate by 11%, and here’s why.

You’re attracting a larger talent pool

Job ads often talk about how much experience a person needs in order to apply for the job. This might discourage a large group of talent from looking into it any further. 

Experience usually comes with age and benefits an older audience because these employees have had the chance to work for longer. Skills, however, can be applied to any age group. Someone might  only have been in the workforce for 5 years, but if they have relevant and up-to-date skills in a particular area, they may be more qualified for a role than someone who has experienced 30 years in the workforce. This is just one part of a skills-first hiring strategy that 75% of talent professionals say they’ll adopt over the next year.

You’re making it easier for talent to find you

Many job platforms rely on search features to connect talent with the right employer. If you include specific skills in your ad, you may find you get matched more easily with talent who have listed these skills in their profile.

You’re valuing skills over titles

We need to use titles to specify what a job entails, but job titles can vary significantly for the same role. What differentiates between a customer service representative and a chief of happiness role might be very little. These roles may require very similar skill sets.  If people are searching for skills, rather than titles, they might see more options.

You’re managing expectations

Skills provide an accurate representation of what is expected in a job, and you can quickly identify the right talent when you see it. If the person viewing your job ad has the skills listed, they are likely to be a good fit for the job.

Final thoughts

Although prioritising skills is important, it’s not everything. An employee is so much more than a skill set. For example, you need to assess someone’s suitability for a role based on their character. The right talent needs to fit well within the culture of your organisation and share the same values to achieve the same business goals.

For advice on how to write a great job ad, contact the Heart Talent team.


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